Education Vetting Questions

As we have been vetting and supporting political leaders and school board members we found that there wasn’t a tool in our state with updated educational questions. With the hard work of Idaho’s Lt. Governor Janice McGeachin’s Educational Task Force, we have come up with the following questions to assist constituents in getting the best educational information (background, knowledge, and beliefs) from candidates.

Educational Vetting Questions on Lt. Governor’s Website

Suggested Vetting Questions for School Board Candidates

  1. Please tell us about your personal background, including interest in and/or any experience related to education. (Examples: instruction, school board, union affiliation, etc.)
  2. Please describe your interest in education, in particular your view of education in Idaho.
  3. Please describe your understanding and viewpoint regarding Social Emotional Learning (SEL).
  4. Please describe your understanding and viewpoint regarding Critical Race Theory (CRT), including how CRT relates to history and justice.
  5. Please describe your understanding of Idaho’s Common Core Curriculum.
  6. Please describe your understanding of Marzano’s High Reliability Schools for Idaho.
  7. What are your thoughts about Standards Based Grading (SBG)?
  8. Who should choose and direct the choices of school curriculum? Explain why.
  9. What do you see as the appropriate role for parents in education and why?
  10. Should public funds follow students from one school setting to another? Why or why not?
  11. In which founding documents, if any, should students be well-versed?
  12. What is the difference, if any, between biological sex and gender?
  13. What do you believe the school’s role is in teaching sex education?
  14. With as much detail as you can provide, what are the responsibilities of a school board?
  15. Describe in detail the proper relationship between school boards, administration, parents, and taxpayers.
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